About Niska

Our Achievements

Niska (100% Australia registered entity) has been registered in 2017. During 2018-2021, NISKA attracted over $4M AUD of total funds (incl Australian government grants).

Niska (after substantial R&D, design and manufacturing stages) launched the first Niska Robotic Ice-Cream Bar, being the entire robotic retail solution (“ERRS”) to the public in mid-September 2019 at Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia.  The commercial prototype of the ERRS (Model #1) is 100% proven and tested in both the laboratory and commercial environment in Australia. That commercially sustainable prototype has been considerably modified to the “Product stage” and currently is being prepared for the installation in UAE in December 2021.ERRS has been assessed by independent certification body (OMRON project RA03062019JM-1) for compliance with safety standards AU/NZS 4024:214.

From January 2020 till March 2020 ERRS operated in the unmanned/unattended mode with NO shop assistant in the trade hall (shop area). Unmanned mode of operation has proved to be a great design decision as minimum remote involvement is required to operate the ERRS.

NISKA is launching the commercial operation of Model #1of Niska Robotic Ice-Cream Bar in United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi) in December 2021 or early JaNUARY 2022.

Niska has been acknowledged in the automation and retail industry presenting at various plain-speaking events and receiving awards and nominations, including:

1)     Niska won the Inside Retail –Customer Experience of the Year 2020 – Small Business Award. Sponsored by Commonwealth Bank (27 February 2020);
2)     Finalist in the category “Outstanding Start-Up of the year” in Manufacturers Monthly Endeavour Awards 2020);
3)     Niska was also a finalist in the “Best store design/concept of the year 2020” category at the same award (Inside Retail sponsored by CommBank);
4)     Director of the Company Kate Orlova participated at multiple conferences as a public speaker, including the:

a.     HIP Conference (February 2020, Madrid, Spain);
b.     Collaborative Robots – Cobots (March 2020, Melbourne, Australia);
c.     QSR Food and Retail Conference 2020 (June 2020);
d.     QSR Media Asia Conference 2020 (September 2020).

Target Market

The global ice cream industry is growing, with projections estimating a global CAGR of over 4% and annual sales climbing to $80 to $89b in the next five to seven years (“The State of the Global Ice Cream Market” by Alexis Hosch | 13 August, 2018). At the same time unattended retail is predicted to grow into $13 billion industry (Amazon 2019). NISKA solution an unattended retail solution for premium single serve ice cream and such would facilitate consumer interest via robotic entertainment part too, as robots are a huge trend and already to have proven to gain public admiration. This will be coupled with enhanced margins for business owners.

The NISKA robotic retail solution project is focused toward the ice cream vendor ‘owner’ and ‘franchisee’. The IP licence customer with hospitality business experience is the initial target in order to sell the license for the robotic retail ice cream concept. Business entities like established retail corporations in food market, such as restaurant and cafe chains are perfect customers; additionally hotel chains, shopping centres, cruise ships and other entertainment venues.

Bullet points of the market:

– consumption of dairy and sweets has a sustainable cultural aspect;
– appreciation of the futuristic technologies and novel products, social acceptance of robotisation;
– growing segment of the premium & portioned ice-cream;
– sophisticated customers who are ready to pay premium for unique experience and product;
– reasonable rent rates and employee associated expenses.

Areas of impact

– consumption of dairy and sweets has a sustainable cultural aspect;
– appreciation of the futuristic technologies and novel products, social acceptance of robotisation;
– growing segment of the premium & portioned ice-cream;
– sophisticated customers who are ready to pay premium for unique experience and product;
– reasonable rent rates and employee associated expenses.

Niska provides turnkey digital and robotics solutions that address retail business profitably and consumer engagement via the application of innovative technologies.

Niska’s opportunity is underpinned by advanced technologies that are driving global growth of practical business improvements applications. Innovation, shaped by ‘market makers’ who see a future others’ can’t, is creating solutions that enable problems to be solved; this is NISKA. Our Company is at the vanguard of real-world inventions and big data, with clear and saleable product applications in Retail Robotics.

Technology Validation

Niska has built and launched the world’s first front of store Robotic Retail Solution for portioned scooped ice cream & gelato on fully commercial basis. Profitable commercial operation with successful unattended retail. Executed Patented technology with over 45 000 ice cream scoops served.

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Niska is a finalist of Self-Service Innovation Awards 2021 in “Innovation of the year (B2C)
Me and Pepper Robot
Pepper NISKA

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